CARNI LIQUID 100.000 DMI is the most concentrated complex formula based on L-Carnitine base on the market.
CARNI LIQUID 100.000 DMI contains 100 grams of L-Carnitine base per bottle, plus coenzyme Q10, vitamin B6 and chromium.
CARNI LIQUID 100.000 DMI does not contain stimulants or colorants and has a delicious and refreshing raspberry flavor.
These are its ingredients:
L-Carnitine base: it helps to efficiently transport the fatty acids from adipose tissue to the interior of the cellular mitochondria, where they are oxidized and converted into energy. This results in a healthy weight loss. L-Carnitine is also known to help to reduce lactic acid build-up, thereby increasing endurance. In addition to this, it helps to reduce muscle breakdown, delays fatigue, helps to maintain good muscle tone and, in combination with the other ingredients, helps to eliminate body fat.
Coenzyme Q10: is an essential antioxidant for mitochondria to function optimally and, thus, to be able to produce energy. Multiple functions are recognized: it helps to fight against free radicals, helps to delay aging, helps to reduce fatigue, strengthens the immune system, helps to maintain good cardiovascular health.
Vitamin B6: essential to promote the action and metabolism of amino acids, as well as to contribute to obtain energy.
Chromium: it is a very important mineral for breakdown fats and carbohydrates. It helps to stimulate the synthesis of fatty acids and regulate cholesterol levels. On the other hand, it controls the secretion of insulin from the pancreas to allow a correct distribution of carbohydrates by the cells of the body. This has a direct impact on the need to eat sweets.